First of all, my last post was a little severe. I do believe we’ll be fine. We pass three of the worst capes in the world but we’ve done everything we can to mitigate the risk. We’re leaving in the low wind season, we’re prepared for offshore sailing, we trust our little vessel, and we have several ways to contact the coast guard.
Tomorrow, we depart on the largest adventure so far in our lives.
Thank you for following along. I want to thank everyone in our lives who have helped us make this dream possible, reading my posts, loving us through the delays, and being enthused about the idea.
Our location is going to be updated every 30 minutes on our website, and on the Coho Ho Ho website (their tracker is better than ours).
We have survival suits, and several other (less fun) safety features.

Logistics have changed. We’re going to leave Sunday at 1 pm. We’ll follow the long ebb tide out of the Straits. We might stop in Seiku to top off diesel, but then the next planned landfall is Newport, Oregon. If things are excellent and weather is right, we might skip Newport, and sail straight through to SF.
We anticipate the sail will take 4 days to Newport, and 10 days if we skip it and send it straight to San Fran.
Tonight we had a conversation with a captain who has done the passage 8 times. We nervously expected him to doubt our vessel, preparation, and sailing acumen. We were pleasantly surprised to have him confirm we are well prepared and he anticipates we’ll be in California having a drink on the dock with him a few days after them.
Our shirts will officially be released on Monday as we turn the big left around cape flattery. Use discount code SCOOT25 for 25% off!

Most importantly, there won’t be an official update this Tuesday. We’ll be 60 miles off the coast and won’t have any cell service. But they say no news is good news.
This week was amazing. Leading up to the adventure went as well as it could’ve. We left Port Orchard at 4:45 am and made it to Port Towsend by mid-afternoon. We gathered our friends and spent a rough night at anchor in the bay. Wednesday we sailed the 50 miles to Bellingham to visit a huge part of our Bozeman Community and pick up our Sea Peoples Co apparel.
We turned around and found anchor at a beautiful cove on Cyprus Island. Anchoring was miserable as the sun had set and everyone and their mom was anchored out in the san Juan islands. Fortunately, Tanner had an amazing seafood boil waiting for us.
Thursday was a long return to Port Townsend. We made port at 8 pm in a fresh breeze and had some fun docking our boat.
Friday morning we made it to Portland, gathered Hannah, Joe, and Nelson, and returned to the boat.
Today, we finalized provisions, replaced our fuel filters, did laundry, showered, cleaned the boat, and tied up loose ends with our electrical system. Now, after 2 years of preparation, we’re ready to go. Wish us luck. See ya in Califonia.