Morro Bay and the Traveling Trio
My parents and my Aunt Anita drove down to Morro Bay last week, and we set about the usual activities. Martinis on the boat, gourmet dinners (if I do say so myself), dinghy rides, beach picnics, hikes, and exploring the nearby towns. We had an amazing week!

It’s fun having access to a car for a few days. We did several down-n-backs to Avila Beach. A measly 30 minutes by car would be a 5-hour sail. This opened doors to a sunny beach picnic (Morro Bay is perpetually foggy).

The car also opened the opportunity to go to Costco. Unfortunately, they didn’t have any affordable surfboards so the search continues, but we were able to replenish our favorite hashbrowns.
We didn’t get to sail down to Avila beach due to large swell and a predicted southerly wind making the anchorage unprotected. Instead, we did our sailing trip in and out of Morro Bay.

It worked out because we got the full spectrum of wildlife. Sea otters, seals & sea lions, dolphins, every bird, and finally … a pod of humpback whales! Winds were light so instead of properly sailing we mostly had a controlled drift and drifted right over the feeding whales. This was the closest Scooter’s been to whales and it was fantastic. They’re huge, taylor cried tears of joy, Eunice didn’t notice, and my folks were impressed.

On the hike to Morro rock, Mark, a known Cairn aficionado,was in heaven. Cairns as far as the eye could see.

We wanted more hiking so we set off driving north. Of course, we had to stop at the thrift store hoping for a cheap surfboard. They didn’t have any but recommended a surf shop a short walk away. Tay and I wandered in with low expectations. The little warehouse was full of thousand dollar boards and even the one the guy tried to sell us was $300. But we found a foam board in the consignment section for $175 and negotiated to $150. They even through in a leash! We’re finally the proud owners of a Surf Board!!!!

We eventually got the second hike in and got some family photos.

They left Sunday morning with many miles to go back to the snow. They were kind enough to help us cast off as we left also, headed south, back to Avila Beach. We’ll be up bright and early Tuesday morning heading for the Cojo Anchorage, located right at Point Conception (the Cape Horn of California). We’ll miss our latest crew!