A week of events, mostly highlights
I don’t always want to write this blog like a diary, so instead here’s a series of Yips & Skips from Thanksgiving week. If you’re unfamiliar with Yips & Skips, have dinner with Taylor once and you’ll get the official rules.
Skip: For the first time in 6 years I didn’t get to cook a turkey. Our oven was too small and we weren’t hosting, so instead, we opted to let the Wilbur family provide the food and we contributed wine. Everything else about the day was a big yip. We had a blast. Great food, ping pong, and karaoke. What else could a Thanksgiving need?

Yip: We used Thanksgiving as a reason to celebrate fall day. Fall day is our excuse to get PSLs and go on a fall hike but they don’t really have ‘fall’ here, so the vibe of Thanksgiving had to suffice, and we walked around downtown San Diego.
Skip: We caught a California Halibut on our sailing day but it was 2 inches under the legal limit so we had to throw him back.

Yip: We took Zac, Lauren, and her sister out sailing for the day. We also did a little fishing and bbq on the boat. Eunice quickly convinced the ‘non-cat-people’ how awesome she is.

Skip: Our boat key is stuck in the ignition and won’t turn. So as a last resort, we had to hotwire the boat, and then hotwire again anytime we wanted to move from one fishing spot to another. On the bright side, Tay and I have hotwiring Scooter down to a science.
Yip: Lauren’s grandfather took us fishing and showed us the tips and tricks we needed. We pulled in 20 Calico and Sand Bass. 3 were big enough (3-4 lbs) to keep so we ended up with some great bass fillets. Which turned into a fantastic Ceviche. Stay tuned for the ceviche edition of ‘Scooter’s Galley’.

Skip: Skateboarding is harder than Tay and I anticipated.
Yip: Tay capitalized on the Thanksgiving holiday & a mostly empty skatepark for some practice. She came a long way, and we got some great content.

See Instagram for video evidence.
Yip (I know, out of order don’t kill me): I made the best recipe I’ve ever made on Scooter. Salmon Cakes. I needed an appetizer for a boat ride and we had an extra salmon fillet from Sam’s visit. They were next level. Crab Cakes are a thing of the past, Salmon Cakes are forever.

Skip: The hosts weren’t big seafood people.
Skip: After taking a ‘dinghy’ ride on a real boat (with a much quieter motor than our 2 stroke) we need to upgrade our dinghy.
Yip: The boat ride around the bay was fantastic. Right at dusk we were able to pick Zac up at a pier downtown, and cover a lot more ground than either of our boats can cover in an evening. Then Chuck and Kitsy (my first cousin once removed) took us to their favorite Italian place for dinner and we had an amazing night.

As is customary, Eunice remains a Yip and there’s always some boat skip. This week the bilge pump malfunctioned causing the boat to stink to high heaven. In case anyone ever is worried I only share the relaxing glamorous part of boat life, I spent Friday night wrist-deep in the worst water-diesel-mold slurry, and we are all sorted.