Livin’ Like Locals

The Laundry Loop

We got a slightly different perspective of Cabo’s tourist area.

Surrounding the marina is a large sidewalk that makes up the heart of Cabo. It’s full of people selling boat trips, hats, shirts, jewelry, and advertising restaurants. My long hair and my beautiful wife, we were pretty recognizable and I got some fun nicknames from the vendors.

Jesus was the most common, my Viking friend, Tarzan, Aqua man, and my personal favorite: Tom Hanks….you know when he’s running all over the country.


We had to do laundry after being out for 2 weeks but the laundry was about a mile walk around the boardwalk. Each sales pitch was met with sorry were just doing laundry. They’ve gotten a lot of excuses but that had them taken aback. They apparently didn’t see us hauling the bags the first time, and each time we went to switch a load we walked both ways empty handed. So 6 miles later, every vendor recognized us and our questionable excuse. 

The final walk back to the boat with laundry bags in tow was triumphant. Vendors cheered, laughed, offered to help carry the laundry, but with our excuse confirmed, we became friends with everyone. 

Then came the haircut. The mullet gave everyone a new feature to comment on and I felt like a hero walking down my street. I also learned that the Mexican ‘hick’ population is bringing the mullet back and they call them zarigüeya, which means opossum. 

Mullet sponsored margs